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JOE NUNZIATA- Bestselling Author, Spiritual Teacher

"This is the only program I have ever seen that seamlessly combines spiritual laws and practical energy principles. Joe is not about techniques, he shows you how to make internal changes that will impact your outside world. This is a great program for people who are seeking lasting changes."

Dr. Joe Vitale, Author of the "Attractor Factor" and other titles, appeared in The Secret

You Will Discover

  • Real Deal with Karma Busting
    Your new definition of karma plus a powerful energy-clearing process that will help you clear negative energy on a daily basis. As you clear this energy you will change your internal energy and begin to attract what you desire.
  • How to Break Your Karmic Wheel
    Uncover your karmic wheel, this is the key to your patterns, beliefs, and cycles of behavior. You will be given the tools to break your current wheel and stop creating your future based on old feelings and beliefs. You will be free to recreate your life in an entirely new way.
  • Why You Selected Your Parents
    Many people struggle with this concept but it is a key element of your karmic development. You will understand why your parents are perfect for the work you are here to complete in this lifetime. You will also discover how your resistance to the similarities you have with your parents is blocking your flow and prosperity. 
  • How Your Karmic Map Works with Your Chakra Energy System
    Everything in this world is energy. Your karma is also energy and that energy is being held in your Chakra Energy System. Gain a greater understanding of how this energy flows and creates your life. You will also discover how to increase your energy flow and power. 
  • Plus Powerful Energy Clearing Meditations and Processes You Can Use Immediately to Clear Your Negative Energy Now and Going Forward

"Joe has a profound gift for explaining esoteric concepts in ways that people can access and understand them. What I appreciate most about Joe is that he will offer examples of his own trials and tribulations so that you feel understood wherever you're at in your Journey. Joe will guide you to your own inner wisdom with love, compassion, and wit. Not to mention he is funny! He'll make your soul laugh while you're uncovering it."  

Vanessa Soriano, California  

"What you mention is so true and I like that I can listen to it in one sitting. I can go back and refer to it again and again and again. Create a life definition that works for you. I like this it doesn’t focus on the form which may change. It makes me feel that I can fulfill my purpose anywhere."

Lorena Alvarez, California

A Process You Will Use Every Day to Move Higher

You will:

-Address and Resolve Daily Issues Quickly  

We all face issues in our daily lives. Most people do not have the tools to resolve these issues as they come up. As a result, you become trapped in negative cycles of energy and continue to recreate the same problems. Now you will have the tools to resolve any issues immediately. This will help you move forward quickly and create positive outcomes. 

-Begin to Attract Better People and Opportunities

As your energy shifts you begin sending different vibes out to the world. These new feelings will help you attract supportive people and new opportunities. You will also repel people who are not in alignment with your energy and beliefs. Many people, including family, which have been in your life for a long time, will begin to move away from you. This is a natural part of your elevation.

-Break Destructive Patterns and Cycles at the Core Level

This is the key to your long-term success. To make lasting changes you have to break the energy and behavior at the core level. You will discover powerful meditations and processes you can use every day to remove these deep unresolved feelings and beliefs. Now you will be able to create the life you truly deserve. 

-Make Quick Positive Adjustments Each Day  

Each day is an opportunity to move higher. There are days that seem to start off in a negative way and many people allow that start to take them down a bad road. Now you will have the tools to assess the situation at a higher level and make an immediate adjustment to get you back into flow. This will help you turn your day around immediately and create positive momentum.

Here is What People Are Saying About Joe's Work

The program was a great opening into what's possible. Learning to 'be' with my emotions in loving acceptance has been profound.
Thank you so much for your work,
Cynthia McGrath, Illinois, USA

Thank you so much for your wonderful insight and information which you have shared so far during the course. I’m finding it so helpful and I’m learning so much about myself which I was ignorant to before. So THANK YOU :) I’m sure you get lots of gratitude emails and you deserve every one :)
Kindest Regards Hayley Hladilo, Canada  

“Joe’s course surpassed my expectations and I found it to be very powerful, transformational and real. If you follow the course and do the internal work that Joe teaches in this program, you will change your energy and change your life as result. What Joe is teaching will get you out of your head and give you the life changing insight, meditations and practical tools to clear energy blocks so you can then move forward in your life with much more awareness and empowerment. I highly recommend this course it was very instrumental in my own progress.” Roslyn Carlson, Florida, USA  

Thank you so much for this program. The work has been really powerful for me and I'm seeing and feeling new things all the time, including new feelings about my father tonight that I've never gotten before. Grateful for your thoughts and counsel. Thanks.
Best, Valerie, New York City  

I have been applying what I have learned from the program. I have found some deep layers of resentment about my parents as a result of doing your work. The difference this time is I was able to clear it out and get some resolve emotionally. I knew the resentments were there. I just did not know what to do about them to get the results I was looking for.  

I now understand that energy is everything. It is about how we feel that drives us and what the Universe brings us. I think my life will take some changes I never would have anticipated and I am looking forward to that.
Craig Mason, Orange County, CA  

You teach people to really get at the root feeling rather than the surface and in doing so, you make it easier to focus on releasing the true feelings that trigger us so much. I've really found an ability to release negative energy when I have it for the 1st time.
Best, Julie Stern, New York  

You Will Receive:

  • 4-Live Interactive Webinars
  • Recordings of Each Session
  • Karma Buster eBook
  • Karma Buster Home Study Course ($399 Value)
  • Unlimited Email Support with Joe for the Length of the Program (Value-Priceless)
  • Limited Number of Spots Available

Program Schedule: All sessions start at 5 PM (PST), 6 PM (MST), 7 PM (CST), 8 PM (EST)
(Running time approximately 1 hour per session. All Sessions will be recorded)

Session 1: Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Purpose Your Karma Serves and How It Was Created

Session 2: Tuesday, January 30, 2024

How to Get Off the Karmic Wheel Plus Energy Clearing Process Phase 1

Session 3: Tuesday, February 6, 2024

How to Reset Your Energy to a Higher Frequency to Attract What You Desire
Session 4: Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Advanced Energy Clearing Process to Help Continue Your Ascension

Option A

Complete Program, Plus Recordings and Bonuses PLUS a One-on-One Coaching Session with Joe after the Program

Register Early $599

Option B

Complete Program, Plus Recordings and Bonuses Only

Register Early $399

Complete Program
Plus Coaching Session
Click Here

© Joe Nunziata, 2024